"Putting more rock energy into a single performance than a good proportion of bands do into a career's worth of shows..."
Three solid albums, one fullenght documentary DVD (the fuzzomentary), One six weeks long EU tour with Kvelertak, two tours with Fu Manchu, MTV appearances... Why are these guys not huge? Soon we don't need to ask that question, it is just a matter of time. Short Time. New album late 2013.
Truckfighters from Örebro (SWE) is a band already very well known within the alternative/fuzz rock genre all over the world. As the rumour goes TF is probably the best band in the world.
Live is the prime element where they fully bloom. The three piece has a raw energy, they explode transferring their power to the audience. Now closing in on 400 live gigs across four continents: Australia, Europe, North America and South America.
Another cool milestone is the release of a motion picture documentary that was released in Dec 2011. This film is totally amazing and is a must see not just for TF fans but for anyone interested in music or even a good film. Features interviews with Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, calling Truckfighters “the best band that's ever existed”. Other cool rockers are also appearing as well as, live footage, studio footage, home footage. It is a complete and entertaining picture of Truckfighters.
Truckfighters were formed eleven years ago with the intention to make fresh music with a solid foundation in the heavy rock legacy. An intention that still applies and that have been proven by a steady progress of the bands sound and songwriting over the years. TF's never been afraid of mixing different styles or trying unconventional ideas whilst song writing.
Truckfighters sound is a unique take on modern rock.
"MANIA" (2009) was Truckfighters third full length album. Prior to this record the band released the full length "Phi" (2007) and "Gravity X" (2005). All three albums have been received with arms wide open by trade press/fanzines.
Truckfighters is a band on the brink of stepping with both feet out of the underground. Supported by the swedish governments culture council the band is believed upon by people far from the fuzz world they already are kings in.
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