Arch Enemy: Angela and Alissa
As many of you will have learnt, Angela Gossow recently decided to call time as singer of Arch Enemy. For 13 years she stood at the forefront of extreme metal completing 6 studio albums and performing countless shows globally. One of the most respected and loved figures on the metal scene meant that anyone trying to fill her shoes would have to be something very special indeed.
The chosen one has been announced as Alissa White-Gluz formerly of The Agonist and in many people's eyes the only real contender for the job. Alissa formed The Agonist in Montreal, Canada in 2004 and put out this statement on leaving.
"It's with great sadness that I must also announce that The Agonist as you have come to know it is now a thing of the past. I had every intention of (and had even started) writing and recording yet another killer album this year, but my former band-mates decided to choose a different path. I wish I could change the situation but the unfortunate decision was made beyond my control so I can only wish them the very best of luck now that our time working together has concluded."
– Alissa White-Gluz
A committed vegan and animal rights campaigner, Alissa White-Gluz received the Libby award from PETA for her work fighting the seal cull in her native Canada. She put out three albums with The Agonist and also guested on Kamelot's 'Silverthorn'. She sang Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on Canadian Idol, a programme that failed to last as long as her tenure in The Agonist.
The Change of personnel means that Alt-Fest will play host to the very first appearance of the new line up on UK soil. Not only that but Arch Enemy are recording a new album 'War Eternal' due for release this summer. Boughton Estate will be the first place you'll be able to hear some of those brand new tracks anywhere in the UK. Alt-Fest wishes Angela Gossow all the best for the future and is very excited to welcome Alissa and her new band mates in Arch Enemy to our main stage this August. We're sure they're going to put on a hell of a show.

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